
Sunday School CLASSES

College and Career

Teachers: Ricky and Liz Sipper
Room #106

Young Adults

Teachers: Kenny and Nicki Griffin
Room #201

Adult 1

Teacher: Stacey Kelley
Room #202

Adult 2

Teacher: Joey McCollough
Room #101

Ladies 1

Teacher: Paula McCollough
Room #102


Teacher: Delories Tindol
Room #105

Wednesday Night Bible Studies:

MEn's Class

On Wednesday nights, we host a men's Bible study, which is led by Terry Mitchell. This group is currently doing character studies through the Old and New Testaments. 

Ladie's CLASS

On Wednesday nights, we currently host a women's Bible study that is led by Marsha Martin and Brenda Harris. They are currently doing a study titled, "Life Preservers--God's Promises in Troubled Times by Bob Russell."  


On Wednesday nights, we currently host a Co-Ed Bible study that is led by Pastor Corbin Griffin. They are currently doing a study on Christian Apologetics.